Some call it dharma.
Some call it The Path.
Their Calling.
But whatever you call it, all you know is that you can’t seem to get away from its pull.
Beyond the income dips, or how many times you have been “rejected” – you always find a way to stand back up and trudge on.
More than likely you have taken course after course, invested in coaches who seem to have the answer – yet there is still something “missing” although you more than likely have experienced some level of material success.
Through my 2 ½ years of online business, after transitioning from an in-person model I worked for 7 years prior– THE thing that has brought the most success was … SURRENDER.
In 2022 my business brought in 100k sales within the first 5 months of the year. To be honest, I didn’t even notice at first, because I wasn’t paying attention. I was SO surrendered to the path, checking daily with my business energy, going beyond my own stories and allowing the Higher Path to present itself while I followed its lead.
Business felt light and fun. I was selling offers I loved, and I had 1:1 clients on waitlists to work with me.
Then I began to implement strategies that didn’t necessarily feel aligned but were bringing other’s success. In the strive for 100k months and million dollar years, my income dipped greatly and I spent many months tuning back into MY truths and ways of being, which are found as we quiet the mind, drop into the body, and allow ourselves to be led by something bigger.
When Spirit invited me to create
Soul Work Society,
it was an immediate YES.
To be able to host a space for others to:
be guided to their internal resources,
be stretched in their ideas and capacity to make them reality,
feel regulated around those stretches so they don't burn out in the process,
drop into sisterhood,
and joyfully receive money while doing it …
sounds like a whole lot of fun and a full FK YES for me.

Soul Work Society is a 6-month somatic mentorship journey where you are guided through your own body to unearth its wisdom via hypnotic techniques and meditative experiences.
This coupled with expansive coaching is designed to help you self-source your answers while also being called into your blind spots – so you can stop feeling like something is “missing” and truly just show up in the magic you are.
Because nobody wants to walk around feeling like they’ve got it wrong, especially when you are THIS dedicated to bringing your vision to life!
You can anticipate two calls monthly designed to walk through a journey which may include releasing resistance from your body, working with the energy of your business, creating communication with your goddess archetype, activating your cellular body, energy healing, and lightcode transmissions.
These exercises unlock dormant parts of you who are here to aide you in making the realization of your Soul Work a simple reality so you can lean into your life with ease and excitement - enjoying it joyously while feeling satisfied about the way you are serving the world.
Aside from just having a “cool experience” we dive deep into the hidden gems of these experiences to decode what Spirit is bringing through for you to use as a resource for your programs, offers, standards, and alchemical toolkit.
This is important because we take the information beyond “download” and into a tangible plan of action that swiftly changes your reality and brings forward the deeper realization of your Soul Work. (aka, more money, impact, reach, clients, etc!!!)
In addition, you will have access to an exclusive community to interact, ask questions, receive additional live trainings and support, as well as a masterclass and meditation library to work with between live sessions.

We both know you are destined to have a wide reach and thriving bank account.
...so when those aspects are amiss, it may feel like rejection or as if you are missing something.
But truly, it is that you have not allowed the follow through to the extent Spirit intends.
The human aspect steps in and tries to control the way the outcome lands in, prolonging the process.
Inside of Soul Work Society, we follow the plan through, release the stories and beliefs that have kept you stuck, and allow your beautiful human to sit in the front row watching as your Inner Goddess stands center stage and steals the show.
I know sometimes we want someone to just give us the answer – but I promise you it becomes more fulfilling when that someone is YOU.
And even more fulfilling when you see that you’ve been able to trust yourself and your innate wisdom
all along.